怦然心动苏碎:“I have been here before. When or how, I cannot tell. I know the grass beyond the door,the keen sweet smell, the sighing sound,the lights around the shore.You have been mine before. How long ago, I may not know. But just when at that swallow saw,your neck turned so some veil did fall.I knew it all of yore. Has this been thus before, and shall not thus times eddying flight still with our lives,our loves restore in death's despite and day and night yield one delight once more”
和弦Elouan:好看 明星就只是引子没有喧宾夺主 这期千里江山图的青山绿水 瓷母的盛世炫技 石鼓的守护流传 三个故事都有小感动 教授颜料师守护者和志愿者们的讲解让节目始终立足于国宝上选材立意都很赞 啊对还有故宫院长也来了